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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/21/25

Dekalb High School of Technology South

Dekalb County Schools



It is highly encouraged that students attend school each day. Student attendance will be taken and reported during each class period by the assigned teacher or substitute using the following guidelines:
  1. Attendance will be taken within the first (10) minutes following the beginning of each instructional period.
  2. Student attendance will be reported within (20) minutes following the beginning of each instructional period using Infinite Campus. Substitutes will submit attendance records to the main office for processing.
  3. The administration will monitor the reporting of attendance for timeliness and accuracy.
  4. Teachers will document student attendance using Infinite Campus and contact parents and/or resource personnel a needed.
  5. Data will be analyzed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of student attendance.
Student attendance is critical for successful achievement of goals. Students must provide documentation for all absences. It is the policy of the Board of Education to excuse students for the following reasons:
  1. Personal illness
  2. Serious illness or death in the immediate family
  3. Religious holidays
  4. Service as Page in the Legislature
  5. Instances where attendance by the student will be hazardous as determined by the DCSS
  6. Legal Proviso
  7. Physical exams for Military Service and the National Guard
  8. Pre-approved functions at the home school (standardized test, etc.)
  9. Students eligible to vote in a public election may be allowed one day for registering or voting
  10. With proper medical verification, a student may be eligible for hospital/homebound instruction
  11. Georgia law provides up to (5) days excused absences for students whose parents are in the Armed Forces and who care called to duty or home on leave from overseas deployment in a combat zone.
Students enrolled in courses at DHST-South receive credit for (2) courses. Therefore, one absence equals (4) absences

Recording Attendance 
The following entries will be made based on the reason for the absence:
AE - Absent for one of the board approved reasons
AU - Absent for an unknown or non-documented reason
SA - Approved school activity
HB - Home Bound
IS - In school suspension
OS - Out of school suspension
Students 15-17 years of age are reminded that excessive unexcused absences could result in suspension of their ability to operate a motor vehicle under the Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act.
NOTE: State law provides that any parent/guardian who does not comply with compulsory attendance mandates (O.C.G.A § 20-2-690.1) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 and not greater than $100.00, imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, community service, or any combination of such penalties, at the discretion of the court having jurisdiction. Each day’s absence from school in violation of this part after the child’s school system notifies the parent/guardian of five unexcused days of absence shall constitute a separate offense.
State law also requires non-emancipated minors 16-17 years of age to have written permission from their parent or guardian to withdraw/drop out of school (O.C.G.A.§ 20-2-690.1). Be reminded that dropping out of school could result in suspension of the ability to operate a motor vehicle.
Truancy is defined as an absence from school without parent/guardian knowledge or consent. A student who is found truant will be referred to the Attendance Office. Penalties may result in in-school/out-school suspension to a formal hearing and a referral to the Juvenile Court System. Students leaving campus without prior approval (proper check-out procedures) will be suspended pending a mandatory parent conference for re-admittance.
Unexcused Absences 
A student must submit documentation for any absences within (3) days of your return to the Attendance Office. Any excuse after (3) days are invalid.

Submit Absence Documentation

Email student absence documents directly to the Attendance Office. You may scan or take a picture of the documentation and then submit documentation for student absence verification. Click the link provided below.

Click Here to Submit